Wooden Garage Doors

Today’s wood garage doors offer as much or more insulation than insulated steel garage doors. We are an authorized distributor for Carriage Doors out of North Carolina and have samples we can bring to you showing the insulation engineered between various types and styles of wood doors. This far exceeds the insulation of aluminum and glass garage doors.
You also need to know garage doors made of wood are heavy. This will require a commercial style opener for long lasting performance, which may mean a few less bells and whistles for wifi features, but will be well worth it for the ease and long term wear and tear on your investment.

Finish & Maintainance

All wood garage doors beyond a stamped metal garage door need to be finished. You can save money by finishing the wood yourself rather than having the manufacturer stain or paint the wood garage door before delivery. You need to plan for this finish step in your project timeline. We will deliver the door uninstalled for your painter to stain or finish each section individually. This will make sure every surface is sealed against moisture and the manufacturer warranty is satisfied. Then we will come back and install your beautiful wood garage door. Each year you should reseal your garage door to make sure the finish stays beautiful and withstands the test of time.

Insulation & Designer

Garage doors throughout the 20th century have been made of wood, steel and many other variations. The options are no less endless today, so cost is typically where we narrow the wood options. The least expensive wood look is a stamped wood grain into a metal garage door. The next level is a composite overlay on the exterior of the garage door. The most expensive varies with the species of wood and stain, usually with an insulated core. Rarely will you find the solid wood panels that rotted through from the mid-20th century. So in a sense, you can get a wood garage door look at very, very different price points. Once you have a budget, it is time to think about what it means to move forward with the most real wood garage doors on the market today. They are gorgeous, so here is what you need to know.